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The Value of LinkedIn Connections

Linkedin - Leadbird
  • May 17, 2022

The Value of LinkedIn Connections

by Carl J. Rohling | Hubspot | Sales | Marketing



It’s no secret that more LinkedIn connections mean more leads. And more leads mean more client potential. Lead generation in general is important for prospecting and a lot of people mine their LinkedIn connections for referrals and meetings. But there’s more value to be had. 

Beyond just being able to send a message to someone, a new connection adds value to your business in and of itself. This is the compounding effect of connections. Allow me to explain.  


1. You don’t have to message

Every new connection then becomes a first-party connection, which on LinkedIn means you can now message that person without the 300-character limit. Unlike those initial connection invites, where the restrictive character count meant carefully crafting your marketing messaging, the first-party connection limit is virtually meaningless. You can write plenty in order to get the person engaged and actually set up a meeting. So that's the most obvious value of a new connection. 

But the part that people don't think about is that every new connection is a new subscriber to your content. They’re going to see everything that you publish. Even without direct interaction or messaging, they are going to be reading about you and learning about you. It’s no different than a paid ad. So instead of messaging people, trying to set up meetings where you can then explain your business, you’re able to pitch your products directly. With enough content you can create campaigns just to those first party connections. And if your first party connections do interact with the content your posting (liking, commenting, or re-sharing the original post) then all of their connections are more likely to view your content as well. 

So instead of focusing on crafting the right messages, your energy might be better spent on your posts. Posting regularly and often creates more opportunities for first party connection engagement and the increased likelihood of 2nd party engagement. And there’s a ton of resources out there dedicated to perfecting the art of a LinkedIn post. Including images, video content, and original graphics, for instance, tend to get re-shared up to 20 times more than posts consisting solely of text. 


2. Your network expands for you

Another great aspect of the compounding effect is that your network expands with each new connection you make. And that is doubly true if your posts contain content with real value. Game recognizes game, and value recognizes value. 

On Twitter and other similar social media platforms, one strategy for gaining more followers is to follow more people who will then hopefully return the favour and follow you back. LinkedIn is a bit different. People aren’t sending invitations to connect in the hopes of receiving an invitation in turn. Company pages are followed because of genuine interest, and connections are made either because they know the other person and/or they recognize the value of that person’s content. 

Posting CTAs and links to your product or website are perfectly fine as long as there’s substantial content to back them up. Simple click bait articles or blog posts might attract a few potential leads, but solid content can increase your audience base exponentially. Another way of capitalizing on your LinkedIn connection is by engaging with their posts. Liking and commenting on other posts can help expand your reach. But again, you’ll get more from those actions if your engagement goes beyond the generic “thanks for sharing” or “great post.” If something resonates with you, include your own personal insight or take on the topic; if something doesn’t make sense, ask a question. Remember, your comments are seen not just by the connection who posted, but all of their connection as well. 


3. You have evidence of viability

A growing network demonstrates a viable and growing business. Essentially, all the first party connections you’re marketing to become marketing material themselves. Advertise your connections by including a link to your LinkedIn profile in your email signature. Include a link to on your website and other social media platforms. Even if people aren’t sending connect invites, they’re looking at your network and your content. 

Every LinkedIn connection can therefore add value by virtue of adding more people to your audience. I do not mean to say that you should try to connect with any and every person you find on LinkedIn. There’s also value in growing your network intelligently, seeking individuals and businesses that can benefit from your products or services (whether directly or indirectly). Then all of your posts become examples of just why your business and ethos is a good fit with theirs.



Beyond just being able to send a message to someone, a new connection adds value to your business in and of itself. Every new connection is a new subscriber to your content. They’re going to see everything that you publish. Your network expands with each new connection you make. And that is doubly true if your posts contain content with real value.


About Us

Leadbird is a leading lead generation agency specializing in LinkedIn lead generation and inbound marketing as a Hubspot Certified Partner. Lead generation is important for any company. Not only to help close deals and differentiate yourself from your competitors, but to better understand your target audience.

Leadbird is unique in that we began as an original data producer. We’ve sourced and enriched data for leading data companies and clients.  We witness first-hand the importance of having access to quality data. With those experiences in mind, Leadbird now specializes in start-up’s to mid-sized companies that are looking to drive growth by creating more awareness and engagement with their products or services.  



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